Monday, July 5, 2010

Where Are My Fog Lights?

The most important promise I've ever made is "to love, honor, and lead; for better or for worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part." Most of the time this is an easy promise for me to keep. Sometimes, however.... And, those times that I just don't feel like it, well, too bad for me. It's not that I can't. It might get hard from time to time. But, I can keep that promise.

God has made a much bigger, more imporant promise to me than I have ever made to anyone else. Any doubts I have about this promise are not because I don't know if he's strong enough. My doubts are based on my inability to figure it out. I don't know what he'll do. I don't know how he'll do it. I don't know if it will really turn out for my best in the long run. So, just in case, I ought to figure something out on my own. You can guess how that turns out.

God has promised me an abundant life for eternity. It's a life of peace, contentment, and joy. These are given in a quantity that far exceed minimal basics, it's abundant. And, all this was given to me the moment I believed. This life is not held aside until I die. I live now. So, why don't I always feel like I have this abundant life? I'm lost in a fog. If it's really here, why can't I see it?

My knowledge needs to grow. Not my knowledge of what, how or how it will turn out; but my knowledge of God needs to grow. I'm missing out on "life" not because God didn't deliver it, but because something is lacking in me. I am my own fog machine. God promised it. He delievered it. It's right here.

It makes sense, if my knowledge of God grows I see more clearly. So, all the time I'm producing my own blinding fog, at the same time I'm trying to find the switch to turn on my fog lights. Why don't I just hang close to God do what He is leading me to do and let the fog clear up?

Oh to live a life where fog lights are unnecessary!

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