Monday, July 12, 2010


A few years ago I stumbled across Joel 2:13-14. There I was, minding my own business, skimming a stone across the water of my bible. I really wasn't looking to go deep. It was just your basic, half-hearted attempt at a quiet time. I hadn't been in the OT for a while. So, I thought I'd do God the favor of a quick read through the minor prophets.

Snag. I wasn't going anywhere else anytime soon. We have rose bushes in our front yard. I'm terrible with roses. They require way too much attention. But a couple of times a year I get out and prune off the old buds. That should be done about weekly. Anyway, as I wade into the overgrown bushes it's inevitable; I end up giving about a pint of blood. When your skin gets snagged by a thorn you stop immediately. It gets your undivided attention. When I read these verses I had to stop and unsnag my heart. God had my attention.

"Change your heart, not your clothes." I am a professional clothes-changer. Don't try this at home. I've been around the church block a number of times and I know how to give the appearance of a spiritual life. And, if I do say so myself, I think I'm pretty good at it. Of all the things to be good at, right?

Then, from time to time my heart gets snagged on a thorn. God gets my attention. I thought I had been doing such a good job of covering up what my heart was really about. No one else knew. Why did God have to make such a big deal out of it?

He did it because he loves me. I don't realize the harm I'm doing to myself. He does. So he strategically places thorns in places I'm walking. God loves me so much that he won't let me self-destruct without a fight.

God gets my attention. And Jesus puts on his servant's clothes and dresses my wound so that it heals. Jesus makes me whole again.

I hate verses like this. I love verses like. this. Who knows, he may have pity on me and leave behind a blessing. I can only hope.

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