Monday, June 21, 2010

More trust, less trouble

Do I really believe what God has promised me? It's easy when I don't need the promise to be true. But when I'm in a situation that requires that I claim that promise I have to get passed the stress and trust God.

For instance, Satan would love for me to believe that I'm all alone in the world. Yet, God has promised me that he will always be with me. I will never be alone. And, not only am I not alone, it is the Creator of the universe who accompanies me even into the darkest corners of my life. I might think they are too ugly for God show up. But, who am really kidding? God knows my ugliness better than I do and he still made the promise.

There is strength is numbers. I can be strong in the most difficult of situations when I know someone has my back. God has my back.

"Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ for the (deepening) of the faith of God's elect and the (growing) knowledge of the truth that leads to (more) godliness -- a faith and knowledge resting on the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time," (Titus 1:1-2)

The only places where I have to trust God are the ones where I am stressed beyond my ability to cope. At first I will hang on with a clenched death grip trying to gain control. But I'm fighting a losing battle. It's when I let go and hang on to God that my situation improves and my stress level eases. That's where I grow in my knowledge of him because I have a greater understanding of his character. All this leads to me acting better, that is, more godly behavior.

Can I trust God? Unequivocally, yes! I can still behave in a manner worthy of God when I my stress level goes off the charts. I can love my wife, lead my children and pastor our church. The more I trust God the less trouble I have in my life.

This is just a little of what God laid on me through the study for Wake Up Call and to preach Sunday the message of Genesis 32:1-21. I trust he's taking you places that stretch you, too.

1 comment:

  1. A couple of thoughts from Weds.

    Loving God and trusting in his character is the light that guides our walk with Him through this life. Knowledge is only usefull if we ourselves trust that knowledge to be true and given for our benefit in love.

    We are blessed to be loved by Almighty God himself. He has promised us abundant life because he loves us and He can be trusted to keep His promises. If we accept that and reflect that constantly, the world will notice and be drawn to us and to Him.

    I am so happy that we are meeting together to confirm to each other God's love. Now, let's take that experience out to the world.

    Love you all.

