Friday, June 25, 2010

Are You Alive?

So, what does it mean to live (zoe)? What goes on inside a man who's really alive? Sometimes, the easiest place to start in defining a term is to start with its opposite. What's going inside a man who isn't alive?

There are a lot of confused men. I want to be alive. So, I look for other men who show evidence of life. I also see men live like they're dead. There are many more of the latter than the former. Every man goes through midlife but not every man has a crisis. It would seem that a man who's not alive cheats. He cheats on his wife and his taxes. And, a man who is alive is honest and has integrity. But, even this isn't clear cut.

Can a man who is a Jesus-follower live like he's dead? If not, why would Paul write so much about choosing to live like you're alive if you know Christ?

I believe I'm alive. I love my wife. I live my children, though sometimes I really don't like them. I really like my house. I enjoy what I do for a living and the people I do it with. Does this make me alive or is it just general evidence that I am?

So, men, are you alive? It would seem that you have to be alive before you can live like you are. And, from what I see the men who really are alive, live that way much longer and are generally much happier.

Paul wrote that God made a promise before the beginning of time to give us life. What do you think? How do you live like your alive? How can we help each other live?

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