Thursday, August 12, 2010

What's Your Major?

My head is swirling with everything about taking my son to college. Friday we leave to move him into the dorm for his freshman year. All kinds of thoughts and emotions are running amok in my mind.

I think he's ready. We've done a lot to prepare him. He knows how to budget, do laundry, eat square meals and have quiet times. And, I think I'm ready to have him go. Anyone else have an 18-year old that's presenting a little attitude in the house?

What now? I started the conversations with him long ago that God wanted him to grow into a responsible adult who would, among other things, be able to support his family. That meant he had to have a job. And, college is where he'd go to learn how to do a job and have a career. So, he's got to get a degree while majoring in a field of study that he will be able to support his family with someday.

Whatever he majors in has requirements. He can't pick courses haphazardly. He has to perform up to standards in order to have the GPA requirements. There will be advisors (and parents) keeping track, making sure he's on track. If he fails then there won't be a major, a degree, a job, a career, or me enjoying my empty nest.

At Wake Up Call we spent much of Wednesday morning discussing the process Grace has for selecting elders. We heard how things have been done in the past, how they are progressing presently and how we hope things will go in the future. We do have a plan and it's a vital responsibility for us to select men who will be great leaders for us.

Not only does the church need a process to select elders but individual men need a process by which they qualify themselves to be elders. What's your process? Just like my son needs select courses, do assignments, and successfully complete the degree requirements; men need to pretty much do the same to put them in the position to be considered when it's time to add to the elder board.

The biggest requirement we have is a dynamic relationship with Jesus.

After Jesus, requirements include a dynamic relationship with your wife, your kids, the community of believers, the community at large, your co-workers, clients, vendors , boss, subordinates and pretty much everyone else you might even have a casual chance encounter with. Do you get the idea that relationships are kind of important in qualifying yourself to be a leader in the church?

So, assuming that all of you are majoring in becoming and elder, where in the process does your Advisor have you?

1 comment:

  1. I would hope and pray that God would never call me to be an elder! Not only is it the most thankless job in the church, it is one for which I am sublimely unqualified. I like the way it is now, that is, being able to blame someone else for our problems instead of being blamed. I know that is cowardly, but I sleep well at night. God forgive me for not praying for our elders enough. We are blessed to have them.
