Monday, August 16, 2010

Maybe Jesus on His Forehead Would Be Easier!

Throughout history God has done some extraordinary things to get his message across. A flood followed by a rainbow, an army marching laps around a city followed by its walls' collapse and a cross followed by an empty tomb.

One of the more interesting things he did is more subtle, still genius. When Pharaoh renamed Joseph, Zaphenath-Paneah every time an Egyptian asked Joseph for food he was acknowledging that God speaks to us, is alive and gives us life.

The Egyptians didn't even believe in God. They had their own gods. Yet, all their gods couldn't tell Pharaoh what his dream meant, much less control the weather.

It doesn't matter whether or not you believe in God he can use you to accomplish his plan. He arranged for the most powerful nation on earth to be a blinking becon of the truth when everyone in the region had to come to Egypt for food.

Jesus, just before he ascended assigned us the task of being witnesses on his behalf. He assured us, and has confirmed, that we would have all the power we need do this. God would never put us in a round room and tell us to sit in the corner. Nor, would he tell us to do something lhe didn't give us the resources to accomplish.

Jesus doesn't need us. He could write "Jesus Saves" on the forehead of Ahmadinejad if he wanted to. Wouldn't that be funny. If God can make everyone hungry and make them ask "God speaks and is alive" for food he can pretty much do anything to get his message across.

Jesus wants to use us. And, apparently, among the ways he uses us to communicate himself to others is by giving us the ability to stay married and raise believing children.

So, as a group, how are we doing?

This isn't such a stretch. Titus was limited in appointing elders to men who met these 2 qualifications, among others. They must be important. They obviously aren't easy.

The divorce rate among Christ-followers is the same as those who aren't. Each generation that comes along is farther from God than the last. Maybe this is too hard. Maybe we should appoint people even if they don't qualify under either of these 2 issues.

I've been married 26 years. I have 3 children. All my kids are Jesus-followers. But, with a 21-year old, 18-year old and 16-year old they still have lots of growing up to do. When they were little I could force them to look obedient. Now, they decide on their own. Raising nearly adult children is tough.

I think "Jesus Saves" on Ahmadinejad's forehead would be much easier. But God, in all his wisdom, decided another way. And, if you want to be a leader in 'the Way' then you need to be happily married and have believing children who are reasonably obedient.

The forehead idea sounds better every time I write it!

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