Thursday, January 6, 2011

What'd You Say?

I enjoy my quiet times. I usually do them at 6:00 in the morning. That works best for me. I'm up before anyone else, except my dog. She's good company that early in the morning.

God seems to speak clearly to me at what some would consider an ungodly hour. I'm in 2 Chronicles right now.

You're thinking, "6:00 am? 2 Chronicles? Can anything good come out of Chronicles at 6:00 am?" Yes. A lot of good stuff.

It's an environment I'm in control of. Me, my dog, my coffee, my bible and my journal. Perfect. I sometimes wonder what all I miss from the Holy Spirit because I'm so incharge of the environment.

Then, I come to Wake Up Call. Everything is out of control there. Who knows what we'll talk about. We start in Titus. Where we end is anybody's guess.

You guys always challenge me, though. I'm challenged to think about things I probably wouldn't sitting in my chair at 6:00 am. Sometimes I wish you guys would just shut up. Okay, I wish God would not speak so loudy through Randy, Cal, Robbie, Tom, Tom, Stephen, Alen, Jerry, Roger, Scott, Terry and Ron. I wish I could tune you guys out sometimes.

I'm not talking just on Wednesdays. Your voices ring in my ears long after I've left Panera. Still, I should just shut you all out.

But, there's a problem with that. How can I say I'm listening to God if I'm not listening to all of you? Especially you old farts.

If God wants to rebuke me he very likely will use one of you. And, with the relationships we're developing these rebukes will be much better received.

Isn't that the point of what we're doing? God is speaking to all of us through the Word that we're studying, through the words of each other, and with a word from the Holy Spirit directly to our souls. In the context of these relationships we hear, heed and apply to our good.

Sometimes you guys hit a little to close to home. Honestly, those are the times I wish you'd just shut up. But I'm glad you don't.

I'm thankful God continues to speak loudly and clearly through all of you to me. I hope you find it the same way.

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