Friday, January 28, 2011

Sometimes I'm Confused

I work really hard to know as much as I can of the bible. I try to let the Holy Spirit speak louder than my own spirit as I study. I have a number of good books that help. I have a number of good friend who help me, too.

Studying Titus I can't help but be impressed that knowing, defending and teaching sound doctine is important.

Equally important, if not more important, is the establishment and maintenance of relationships. Everything that communicated, taught, modeled and mentored is to be done in the context of a relationship. Breaking these relationships, even in the name of defending the doctrine grates like fingernails on a chalkboard.

Much of this confuses me. When I remain in this state of confusion I usually make mistakes. And, mistakes hurt people.

I get into the most trouble when I confuse my role in the lives of others with the Holy Spirit's role in their lives. When I defend sound doctrine sometimes I cross that line that defines our roles.

I am a mentor, communicator, teacher. The Holy Spirit it the convictor. I will communicate it, teach it, model it; hopefully accurately. I will do so even passionately. But I cannot force anyone to believe it, obey it or be convicted by it. No matter how hard I try.

When I consciously stay behind the line I am much better at maintaining the peace. But, when try to force conviction on anyone then things get ugly.

I appreciate the people in my life who help me out of my confusion. Thank you for defending sound doctrine to me and maintaining our relationship in the process.

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