Thursday, October 14, 2010

Do You Walk With Jesus or Just Visit Him?

What would they say?

As we study the qualifications to be an elder we understand that these are tangible signs of maturity and wisdom. Only God knows your heart. And, yes he calls you (or not) to be an elder. But other men have to see something and appoint you.

We all dress up, literally and figuratively, and go to church. We go to Wake Up Call. We go to LIFE Group. We wear our holy (Un-holey) underwear, freshly washed jeans, untuck our shirts and go worship, study and fellowship. Some of us even clean up our language. Though a certain unnamed preacher once cussed in the pulpit in discussing the Big Dam Bridge and referred to the "whole dam(n) proces".

Anyway, we all get an impression of each other in these places. But, what are you like when you're not in these places or with these people? What would those guys say? They're the ones you at deer camp with you. Or, those golf weekends. Your card-playing friends. How would all your lost friends describe you in relation to this list in Titus?

Who are you, really? Who is the real you? How different are you between these different groups?

Do you walk with Jesus or do you just visit him? Randy brought up a great point. Sometimes we get so busy doing Christian things we confuse being religous with building a relationship. I can be busy doing the things that a married man does including bring home the bacon, maintain the house and cars and track the hurricanes in the gulf. I can do all those things as well or better than any of the rest of you but still have a lousy marriage because I didn't walk with my wife.

The "real" me shows up when I let my hair down. Typically, I put my hair up for church and in front of you guys. But I let my hair down when I go play. And, I play with some of you. So, am I the same guy on the golf course that am at Panera on Wednesdy morning or in the pulpit on Sunday?

Are you the same guy everywhere you go? Consistency is developed as you walk. Build your relationship while you practice your religion. Then, the guys at the deer camp will recognize you when they see you at church. Except you'll smell better at church.

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