Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Firmly Established

Last Wednesday we spent some more time talking about what it means for us to be "firmly established" in our Christian journey. Allen had some thoughts on this in his comments on last weeks post that we discussed.

We had a good time sharing about what we struggle to do and where we've seen some success in our daily walk to keep "established" and even mature in our walk with Christ. We also talked about some of the things that keep us from being "firmly established", like pride, not staying consistent in the Word, etc.

Then we talked about how we help each other. We discussed accountability and the different ways that can look depending on lots of things like personality and the specific isuse. We all agreed that accountabilty has to be encouraging, it might be tough, but we need to really come along side each other in our needs.

Tomorrow we will start at verse 13 of chapter 2 and see what else we can learn from Solomon's life.


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