Wednesday, June 24, 2009

David's Last Word's - Part II

Today's discussion centered around 1 Kings 2:5-12 where David is giving Solomon his list of last requests, basically a hit list of people David wanted taken out. Since Solomon was king he could have these people killed without any problem (and he did) but this is not an option for us. And hopefully we don't have any enemies like that. Maybe David was really protecting Solomon by getting rid of these guys.

If you were on your death bed right now, are there any requests you would make of your kids or spouse?

The last phrase of verse 12 is "his rule was firmly established". What do we need to be doing now so that when we go we leave our kids are "firmly established"? In other words, they are self feeders and are living bodly for Christ?

Your thoughts?


1 comment:

  1. Some ideas for helping our children (and ourselves) be Firmly Established:
    1. Make your relationship with Christ your Top Priority. (But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33)
    2. Men - Be the spiritual leader of your family. A servant leader...take the initiative.
    3. Be a good steward financially.
    4. Know the Word of God.
    5. Pray with your spouse. Make prayer a daily (continual) way of life. Communication with God is key.
    6. Listen to the Holy Spirit.
    7. Learn to discern. Ask your children good questions about what is happening around them and help them to learn how to know what is right.
    8. Encourage. Everyone does better with encouragement.
